My best friend, Bekah, came to town and we got to spend the whole weekend together!!
I had been counting down the days and getting antsy for the last couple weeks leading up to my best friend coming to town...
Flashback: Bekah and I met freshmen year of college about a week or so into school. She lived across the hall from me and we were both education majors. We had a class together, so one day she came over and asked me if we had any homework (which I later learned was just an excuse to find someone to talk to). I told her that we didn't and then she sat right down in my little make-shift living room.....and then never left! We became fast friends eventually sitting next to each other every day in classes, setting up similar schedules so we could have more classes together, going to eat together every day, spending nights in my room and then later roommate all the way through senior year, and more. We even started working in the same office at school together - she's one person I could spend 24/7 with and never get sick of. She is seriously my best friend soulmate - we have similar interests and values, but not to the point where we get bored with each other. We have similar strengths, but we compliment each other in different ways too, so our projects were always the bomb-dot-com!
Bekah graduated in May and already has a teaching job lined up for this next year - I get to encourage her and she gets to help me through student teaching! It is weird that I no longer live with her since we did for so long and it makes our weekends together so much more special.

I was already missing her and she hadn't even left yet! Talking about church, Bible studies, future weddings, teaching, goals, plans, family, and more - I could not get enough. Bekah and I text every day and we do our best to get in a few FaceTime calls but that isn't the same as being together. When we get together all we do is talk because we can finally fill in all the little details about what is going on in every aspect of our lives. I love her dearly and I cannot wait to see what more God has in store for her life - you are so strong and I am so proud of you! Thank you for always sticking by me and encouraging me along too.
Thanks for the amazing weekend and cheers to when we and the rest of the roommates can be together soon! ❤
Check our her blog at http://stepsthroughlife.blogspot.com/ ❤
I am so glad I got to spend the weekend with you! You will be an amazing student teacher. Thankfully, we have plans together to look forward too for the next little while.