I have become a meal planner and I absolutely love it!

Now that I'm in my own apartment and buying groceries every few weeks, I decided I needed to start meal planning to keep my grocery budget in check as well as make it easier to make meals quicker! Once student teaching starts, I will only have so much extra money to spend on groceries and so much time for things like cooking. Meal planning is basically my only option but I have found a lot of fun in it so far!
The best tip I can give you as you start meal planning is to start small. I have big goals for meal planning, but I knew I needed to start small or else I would simply quit! I did a lot of Pinteresting to find recipes I knew I would like which was, of course, the most fun part 😊 I found some ways to make easy breakfasts and quick dinners. I love cooking so I knew I could take up more challenging recipes and save all the leftovers for lunches or the freezer. A friend helped create a weekly meal planning sheet, similar to the one on the left, and it has helped tremendously. It makes it easy to plan what I have for lunches, snacks, breakfasts, and dinners. It helps me to know what I can make with what I already have and if I need to grocery shop for more.
I wanted to tell you all about my endeavors so far and how Wildtree has been furthering my journey!
Egg Muffins
These are super easy and delicious! Eggs, cheese, ham and a little bit of bread. They are an easy way to use up your eggs, lunch meat, and stale bread. They are healthy, keep me full (one does the trick!), quick to make, and easy to grab-and-go! They can be kept in the fridge and in the freezer if you make a big batch. Only 30 seconds in the microwave and you're good to go.
I haven't done anything too special yet, but you can easily add veggies or breakfast meat to make them more special!
Why & How I Wildtree

I recently became aware of what Wildtree has to offer. My consultant, Kylie, invited me to join her group and I started learning about what Wildtree is. If you don't know, Wildtree is a great business that allows independent consultants to sell the product. They sell seasonings, mixes, oils, and more. There are a lot of products that allow you to plan large meals with much better nutrition facts than you normally see! One of my favorite things about their website is that you can search for recipes based on the Wildtree product or key ingredient. I have loved looking up new recipes and the food so far has been absolutely amazing - give it a try!

So far I have purchased Wildtree's basil pesto, taco seasoning, lasagna, stroganoff, pot pie, and beef stew skillet meals. Each set is enough to make for a few meals and the skillet meals already came with two recipes each. Each one has better nutrition facts than mixes you might buy in the store and it's nice to know that I can prepare so much at a time for leftovers! So far I have tried the stroganoff and basil pesto and loved it. I made basil pesto salmon and pasta and a ton of stroganoff. It made enough stroganoff for a dinner for two, two meals, and extra sauce to put in the freezer!
**If you are interested in learning more about Wildtree products, recipes, and more then here is the link Wildtree with Kylie Lynn!
When I went grocery shopping, I made sure I got extra ground beef to make the Wildtree lasagna skillet meal and some tacos! I am also planning on trying Overnight Oats. If you have any good recipes please share them with me and stay tuned about how this next venture goes!
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