My best friends came for a weekend in Milwaukee!
It was kind of a spontaneous weekend get-together when a few weeks ago one of my friends asked if she could visit for a weekend. So we asked the whole group and everyone was able to come! Then, of course, the planning had to start between days off and traveling, food, and what we were actually doing...and of course no one would actually commit to a decision!
Let me take some time to introduce my friends and tell you about our amazing weekend ♡
Bekah, Sam & Emma

I love them all so dearly and I could not be more proud of them as Bekah goes into her first year of teaching, Sam & I finish student teaching together, and Emma finishes up her last year in pharmacy school. They will always be in my prayers and my hearts.
Friday Sam and Bekah came in the afternoon so we spent some time walking around the neighborhood. But don't let me forget to mention that Emma stopped by at 7:30 in the morning to drop off a dessert that needed to be refrigerated...on my day off no less! Eventually, we put the pizzas in the oven because Emma got off work and the evening was set. Our dinner consisted of pizzas, chips, Emma's dessert, watermelon, grapes, lemonade, a little wine...because calories don't count on girls weekend right? We talked a whole lot and it felt just like old times - except this time we ate at a real dining room table rather than the floor at college. Then we finished the evening watching White Chicks and laughed hysterically through it all.
Saturday we made a plan to go get lunch and then spend the day walking around Milwaukee. But first, we spent lunch at Bayshore and then spent an unplanned hour in the book store [I found several more I need to add to my list]. We made our way down to the North Point Lighthouse and then the beach - it was an absolutely gorgeous day for the 6 weddings we saw and for a lovely walk. We were always nervous to go down to Milwaukee since we didn't know the area, but since I've been living here I finally feel more comfortable and it was wonderful doing a little exploring together. The Riverwalk was also beautiful (especially sexy according to the drunk guy that hit on Emma). Once we went home we ate another million calories that didn't count while cuddling on the couch. I think we racked up several miles which balanced our calorie intake! If you haven't seen Sydney White I highly recommend doing it - because as our go to movie it is still hilarious. The friends you make in college are for life as the movie says ♥
Living on my own has been a huge adjustment and moving into the next phase of my life has been a little trying at times. Spending a weekend with my best friends gave me encouragement as I was able to see how much we've grown in the last few years. I miss them already and look forward to our next trips (especially London 2K28). This girls weekend meant so much to me as I got to play hostess, catch up, laugh about silly anxieties, get advice, and more. Thank you girls and thank you God for putting these girls in my life ♡