Monday, February 12, 2018

Counting my Blessings

Recently, I was subbing for seventh grade. One period was confirmation and so the church pastor came in to teach. As the sub, I got to chill out in the back of the room!

They were discussing what faith means and what our lives would be like without faith. It was so cool to hear what the students had to say about this! It got me also reflecting on what my life would be like without God and faith.

Before the class left, they all wrote two things down that they were thankful for. Some decided to share what they were thankful for and many wrote about family, friends, school, and a home.

The pastor's idea of getting in the habit of being grateful was to frequently write down blessings and things we are grateful for. This way we would remember to thank God and others for everything in our life. He suggested making these lists within a prayer journal, so I have decided to start that here. Every once in a while, I will add to this list of blessings.

  • Jesus for dying on the cross for my sins and rising again
  • My parents
  • My fiance, Josh  
  • My wonderful friends
  • My best friend, Bekah
  • Health Insurance Coverage 
  • Plenty of good food & wine 
  • Substitute teaching 
  • Future job
  • Warm weather finally appearing

Monday, February 5, 2018

A Typical Day in the Life of Yours Truly

Since moving into an apartment at the beginning of last summer and finding a regularly scheduled teaching position, I have a very regular schedule! 

Before the week starts, I normally set little goals like errands I want to get accomplished, how many chapters I want to read in a new book, how much knitting I want to finish, etc. This is what I use to gauge my time in the evenings. 

Weekdays are the most set times, including 
  • 6 am wake up - get ready - devotion time
  • 7:30-3:30 School Hours
  • Get home and put stuff away responsibly 
  • Attempt to get a workout finished and start dinner 
  • Dinner and TV
  • Knitting/Reading/Soft Music/Snack
  • Shower & Bed by 10! 
I have a few different workouts I am going between. If it is warm out, I may choose to go for a walk or short bike ride. I have also found several YouTube videos that I'll do inside including walking, arm, abs, and cardio workouts. It's always fun when Josh opts to do it with me! 

I normally read for a little while once I get in bed, either finishing a devotion or chapter. Sometimes I will do a couple of brain-teaser puzzles rather than sitting on my phone before bed (although that can be unsuccessful). I have been trying my best lately to turn off TV by 8, to spend some time with no electronics on. Sometimes the TV is background noise, so I have found several playlists to use during different times of the night. 

On nights Josh comes over for dinner, we may play a board game, do a devotion, and/or watch a show together! 

Weekends are a little freer and let me tell you I get so excited to sleep in past 6! 

The weekends are also normally spent with Josh and his family. We may have a date planned or a movie to see, but as of recently, there's been a lot of MSU basketball on! It's nice spending the weekend completely relaxing now that there isn't homework. I use that extra time to workout, grocery shop, clean and organize the house, and sometimes just laying around. 

Sunday nights are becoming one of my favorite nights of the week. Josh's family goes to choir practice and I get a few hours to myself before the crazy school week starts. Normally my lunches and meals are mostly prepped for the week, so I may put laundry away and then can enjoy a couple hours in my bathrobe, with a hot cup of tea, and then relax by reading. 

It's easy to spell out what my days look like, but sometimes I may just sit around all day sitting on my phone. Sometimes I am up shopping and doing errands all day. Other times I may sit in my pajamas with a cup of coffee and book for several hours before moving. Sometimes I skip working out, have a second dessert, miss a devotion, and more. I have goals but I'm definitely not perfect.

It has been fun figuring out what my true priorities are now that school is over and I am living on my own. There are so many things I have been blessed with in this life. Praise God from whom these blessings come and the life He has given me.