Most people make New Year's Resolutions or goals every year. Many studies out there will say that most people quit or give up on those goals by February.
When I was younger, I would make up some goal just to have one every year. I think those goals were things like color pictures for family members, learn to like coffee, take the dog for walks more, etc. As I got a little older, my goals became more serious about my health with plans to work out or eat better maybe be on my phone less. These goals never really stuck though.
These last couple I've looked at New Year's Resolutions a little differently. I don't think making resolutions or goals for the year are bad, I'm just really bad at making and keeping them! So instead, the last couple years I made generalizations for how I wanted to live my life.
I instead wanted to do less of certain things and more of others. It wasn't a strict policy or program I made for myself in which I would automatically feel guilty and then want to quit my goals altogether. I simply wanted to be more intentional about what I did with my time. I knew I didn't want to be on my phone as much or eat desserts every night of the week. I knew I didn't want to go three months and realize I never called or texted anyone in my family (besides my parents). I knew I wanted to be more intentional in my devotions, health, and truly taking advantage of my time with loved ones.
As I reflect on the last year, I'd say I did okay with this intention! Finishing up school and moving to a new state definitely made me very busy and I didn't always do my best in working out or eating healthy. But I would say I didn't get down on myself for having the occasional indulgence either! I know I can do better in the "more" category. Talking to family is very important and now that school is practically over I don't have an excuse not to call my family more!
Knowing that college is officially done in January, I am trying to be more intentional in making plans for myself. I do not to fill up my usual homework time with Netflix. I know I will have free time and I want to use that time more wisely. I want to fill that time with things I never had time for before like writing letters, calling family, playing board games, drinking tea, scrapbooking, working out, baking, and more. I always loved these things as kids and before college and the homework I could easily make time for them.
I hope that in this next year I can joyfully participate in these activities and even learn new things like knitting, sewing, and trying new recipes! I hope that I can participate less in junk food, being ungrateful, absent-mindedly sitting on my phone, only half listening to conversations and more. Obviously, there will be a balance to my less/more philosophy! I can't be perfect all the time and sometimes I do just want to sit on the couch and do nothing, but I hope to fully take advantage of the life God has given me and explore more and fully appreciate all of life's blessings.

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