Tuesday, August 15, 2017

11 Easy Crafts to do with the Kiddos you Nanny

DISCLAIMER: I nanny for a family that has two kids: a ten-year-old girl and a thirteen-year-old boy. I did these projects with a ten-year-old but they can easily be done with someone who is a little older or younger. I attached some of the links to articles I read for full instructions and materials. 

They are pretty fun so you should do them too! Some of them still require some adult supervision, but the kids can easily get in and help to put them together! 


       This was supposed to be a fun and quick little craft, but it turned into two hours! It was a lot of fun forming and shaping and experimenting with how to make some sea creatures. We had so much mixture that we were able to make a lot. It takes a couple days to dry out, so once it finally dried we painted using watercolors. It was something we decided to do since we had an extra hour plus it struck up a lot of conversation about ocean creatures! Keep the glue handy though because once the creations dry out they can fall apart...

      Everyone should do this because it was a lot of fun and surprisingly so cool once it dried! Definitely, do some trial runs to see how the tissue paper color will transfer because some colors work better than others. Layering the tissue paper makes it pretty cool too and you'll love the way it ends up looking. She wrote a quote on top of hers and I drew a city skyline for a little somethin extra! 

      This is really easy and fun, but be careful with the colors you choose (I recommend not choosing red because once you apply the rubbing alcohol it'll change into a rusty orange). It is a really cool way to experiment with how the colors will run together and how prominent or faded you want the colors. We ended up writing "Beautiful Oops" onto the canvas afterward since it looked a little goofy but then that made everyone like it more! Do some experiments on scrap paper first and try spreading the rubbing alcohol with different sponges or by sprinkling to see what you like best - and then hopefully you avoid any mishaps! 

      Join in on the latest craze and make some slime! You can make a lot of variations by adding glitter, color, or different scents for something different. There are so many recipes out there for different kinds of slime and there are minimal ingredients. Have the kids queue up some videos for different kinds and variations - plus there are fun things to do with slime so look it up! You should also do the Blind Folded Slime Challenge - pretend you're making a YouTube Channel video and attempt to make slime while blindfolded!   

5. Baking! 

      We really enjoyed baking this summer. We tried quite a few recipes including cookies, Red Velvet Truffles, and brownies! It's always fun to have a treat around the house and surprise the parent with something nice after they had a long day at work. Make it even more interesting by making a "cooking channel" video for added appeal! 

      Definitely, give this a try and your dog will love it! Maybe you might like to take a bite too because everything is edible...basically, it's meatloaf with a peanut butter frosting. It was a fun way to spend some time decorating and learning how to frost flowers! 

7. Tye Dye T-Shirts

       Michael's made it really easy to do tye-dye this summer! They sell kits to make it easy to put together. You can buy a pack of three colors (that come with gloves, rubber bands, and designs) or a larger pack. Obviously, a pack of three is cheaper but it depends on how much color you need or how many you want! Michael's also sells T-shirts right there which made it a one-stop shop. 

8. Summer Scrapbook 

       All summer I took pictures of stuff we did. I took pictures of recipes, crafts, or places we went. From the very beginning of the summer, I told the kids that I would take pictures and keep any tickets, brochures, or bracelets that we collected. Then we would be able to get the pictures printed and put them all together in a little book - I love doing this so I even brought my completed scrapbooks as examples. It's a fun way for the kids to feel independent and get creative with their layout - then you get to use stickers, colors, and go crazy! 
Michael's makes scrapbook kits or individual books and then you can purchase the extra supplies. 

       This was definitely fun on a hot summer day because it got us outside! We weren't planning on keeping the artwork, so there was no pressure for how it would turn out. Plus it was fun experimenting with the different colors and how they would overlap - it was great when a friend came over to join! It helped that we had a small easel we could set up outside to really go crazy - for added challenge have someone be blindfolded while squirting! 

10. DIY Galaxy in a Jar

        This was definitely fun and easy since you have a lot of the materials right in the house. When you need to fill up an hour with something a little more relaxing then do this because the paint does end up looking super cool! We had a couple problems with the colors blending, but then that was an even better combination I think.

11. Fluffy Sidewalk Paint/Chalk 

        We used leftover tye-dye bottles instead of Ziploc bags which made it more fun for squeezing out and controlling the fluffy sidewalk chalk - plus it was a little easier cleanup! It was an awesome day to get outside and it was fun mixing it all together too since shaving cream is oh so much fun! It does wash away and keep for a couple days after mixing, so go have some fun! We recommend adding a little bit of water so that the mixture isn't as thick. 

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